
 thal - Tales of Obedience - Ceremony Tunes 


Tales of Obedience - Ceremony Tunes

Music written by Hermann Probst
Lyrics written by Mario Pagani

stop dancing so close to me
a shout rests in my throat
a shout burns down my tongue
i feel molecular pain
but just the thought of you and
i feel my heart being peeled off
as a child would peel a fruit...
sitting in-between distances
i like measuring distances

how far can you sit from me ?
no matter how far...
i have companions in hell
they dance to my music
it’s all been written down
on a contract i signed with blood
i was thinking of you
my instincts lead me
(instincts always appear in divisions)

abandoned me on a roof
abandoned me all alone
you were not there, not there
had to gather me with a spoon
had to use their imagination
to put me up for this party...

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 Updated 03.01.2017 16:17:42